Monday, October 27, 2008

#14web 2.0-library 2.0

I read all of the perpectives, and am not sure what to make of it. It seems to be only about online services and interaction with everyone using the service. I may be wrong about this. I work in library that is a physical building, with customers coming and going all the time. They still check out books, music cds and dvds. They come for our storytimes and especially our Summer Reading Club. We also offer homework help. We have a lot of person to person interaction. We do offer computers for customer use, so they can use the web resources while in the library. Not everyone in America has a computer that they can use at home. Not everyone in America likes to read off a computer screen, some of us and our customers still like the feel of a book in their hands and the comfort of an easy chair. Libraries are not all about research and information gathering. Having said all this, of course our library has self check out machines, has the card catalog online and staff use the web to help our customers, etc. I am not against technology. I think there is still room in this world people talking to people.

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