Thursday, November 20, 2008

#16 wiki sandbox

The instructions for wiki sandbox editing were not as clear as they could have been. Thanks to Gordon and Tata for their assistance. I can see wikis as a social or family service, but not much else.

Thursday, October 30, 2008


Wikis is one of the few things I've heard of, because of wikipedia of course. I use it sometimes, even though I'm aware that anyone can change the information for fun or mischief. I'm not sure that this happens offen. Once I found the Ohio State had been visited buy a Michigan fan. As far as wikis for libraries. I don't know. Libraries should be able to stand behind the information they give out. I noticed there were some where librarians only could add information, and E-mail addresses were required. I also liked the world catalog. Being able to put in a tittle and locate an especially hard to find book. A member of the staff said it was useful in finding books for inter library loans.

Monday, October 27, 2008

#14web 2.0-library 2.0

I read all of the perpectives, and am not sure what to make of it. It seems to be only about online services and interaction with everyone using the service. I may be wrong about this. I work in library that is a physical building, with customers coming and going all the time. They still check out books, music cds and dvds. They come for our storytimes and especially our Summer Reading Club. We also offer homework help. We have a lot of person to person interaction. We do offer computers for customer use, so they can use the web resources while in the library. Not everyone in America has a computer that they can use at home. Not everyone in America likes to read off a computer screen, some of us and our customers still like the feel of a book in their hands and the comfort of an easy chair. Libraries are not all about research and information gathering. Having said all this, of course our library has self check out machines, has the card catalog online and staff use the web to help our customers, etc. I am not against technology. I think there is still room in this world people talking to people.

Thursday, October 23, 2008


I didn't set up an account on this one, but I can see it as a research tool. Instead of using Google search all the time, where I have trouble finding exactly what want, I can use other peoples bookmarks. I haven't tagged anything yet but may do so on some of my old blogs, especially those with pictures.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

#12 Twitter

I'm not sure about this one. I don't know if I want to know what someone is doing all the time, or if they want to know about me. I'm following Tatjana and Megan right now. I may add other co-workers later. The name I used was fredblue.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

#11Library Thing

This is an interresting site, but can be very time consuming. I put in the names of 6 books I actually own , but not the copies that I checked. My personal library is actually small and dwindling. That's why I have so many complete works of. Most books that I read I check out from the library.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

#9 More RSS

I looked at all the different places to get feeds, but the easiest was Bloglines itself. I choose their 1000 feeds, but only got as far as the first 100. When I subscribed it put them in a Microsoft feed and I had to copy them into Bloglines. I still haven't found sites that I look at often. That will take more time.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

#8 RSS

I've never heard of this before, but I like the idea. Before I was using "my favorites" to find my sites, now this puts them all in one place. I added 10 the easy way, by using Bloglines favorites instead of my favorites, and will add mine later.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

#10 trading card

I did this back when we were playing with flicker. Little did I know this would come up as #10, as an online image generator. Making the trading card was fun. Some of the others I 'd like to try: map making, collages, and puzzles. Here's my link.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

"new" technology

Not necessarily new, but I love the digital cameras. To be able to take pictures, view them instantly, download them to my computer and then print them out at home and come up with quality pictures is amazing to me. It beats the old polaroids by a mile. These are some of the pictures I took this spring and summer. A spider with a feather caught in it's web. Poppies and daffodils. A caterpillar eating my parsley.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

bird mashup

This is cute and strange at the same time. It reminds me of nothing in particular , but mashups were difficult to find and I said: "Yes" when I found this one .

Thursday, August 28, 2008


Arg. This picture reminds me of me pirate days, roamin' the 7 seas, sailin' from port to port, findin' pleasure and treasure where I might. Like any true pirate I buried my gold on any number of uncharted isles. Too bad I was an unskilled map maker and was never able to find them again. Now I'm retired and living at a library in Columbus Ohio. That's me with a treasure chest full of books. Aaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrggggggggggg!
Yars Truely

Friday, August 22, 2008

first time blogger

This is my very first blog.

I'll come up with something really exciting in my next blog.